Paola Ricaurte, profesora del Tecnológico de Monterrey y autora de uno de los capítulos del libro «Inteligencia Artificial y Bienestar de las Juventudes en América Latina » (ed. LOM 2020), nos visita para conversar sobre éste y otros temas relevantes como descolonización de datos, feminismo, derechos humanos, entre otros.
Short bio: She was a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University (2018-2019) and an Edmundo O’Gorman fellow in the Institute for Latin American Studies (2018), Columbia University. Her work focuses on the critical study of digital technologies. Her publications include Data Epistemologies, The Coloniality of Power, and Resistance (2019), Youth and Digital Culture: Critical Approaches from Latin America (2018), Pedagogies for the Open Knowledge Society (2016), Challenges to collective action in the post-Snowden era: visions from Latin America (2015), Control societies: techno-surveillance and civic resistance in Mexico (2014. She was the author of the Freedom on the Net report for Mexico (2017). Together with Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejías is the founder of Tierra Común,, a network of activists, citizens and scholars who work on interventions for data decolonization. As a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center (2020-2021), she will be conducting research on decoloniality, feminism and technology, and she will continue building networks among activists, journalists, and academics working on AI in the Global South.