Report AI for Children - Chile

UNICEF, together with partners, is therefore developing a policy guidance for AI and child rights aimed at governments, corporations and UN agencies. As part of the policy guidance development process UNICEF seeks to consult children and young people, to inform and refine the guidance. The children’s consultations are led by project team comprised of colleagues from the Office of Global Policy and Insight and the Division of Communication.

The Artificial Intelligence and Society Hub at the Institute of Communication and Image, University of Chile, partnering with UNICEF Chile and the Ministry of Science have implemented online workshops with 156 children and youth from all around the country to contribute to this important initiative.

The objective is to gather qualitative insights from children and young people from diverse backgrounds on:
● Their understanding of how they already interact with AI in their daily lives;
● Their understanding of the risks and opportunities associated with AI to their rights and
● Their views on the actions that need to be taken to maximize the benefits and limit the risks of AI
systems for children.

Click here to explore the AI and Children’s rights Chile report (English).